Located at 412 East 3rd Street, the former Moscow High School, built in 1912, is a three-story, 30,000 square foot building located on the edge of an historic residential neighborhood, three blocks from the City’s commercial core. It is an excellent example of classical revival style architecture built during the Progressive School Era, with classic details in brick and white terra cotta that are unique to the area. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992. It has also been known as the Whitworth School Building and as Moscow Junior High School.
It was designed by architect Clarence H. Hubbel and built by H.J. Skinner.
This landmark is the home of Moscow’s first multi-generational, multipurpose community center. The 1912 Center was purchased from the school district by the City of Moscow in 1997 from funds donated entirely by private citizens. Phase I of the project (Great Room, Kitchen and Pall Plaza) opened to the public in October 2001. Phase II (Senior Center and Friendship Hall) opened in June of 2002.
The West Wing of the building was opened to the public for use in November of 2008. This project added a public meeting space (The Fiske Room), an arts workshop and a dressing room/restroom to the existing spaces in the facility. The Second Floor Renovation Project will add a small auditorium and a reception gallery to the usable spaces in the 1912 Center by the end of 2020. There are still 4 classrooms on the second floor and the whole 10,000 square feet of the third floor left to renovate for community use.