The Church of the Nazarene was officially established in Boise in 1903. Through over 100 years influence in the community, it has had many homes. The BCC is the third of its type. The first church was built in 1916 at 15th and Franklin. The second church was built in 1928 at 1200 N. Liberty Road. And the third (BCC) is currently located at 3852 N. Eagle Road. The BCC finished its construction on June 25, 2000 and officially opened just a year later. Therefore, the building itself is only 7 years old. The building itself doesn’t necessarily contribute to Boise’s history; rather the people that use it did because the Nazarene church has been in Boise for 105 years. The BCC actually connects to Boise’s productive future.
The BCC is one of the largest buildings in the area. Its architectural design (international/national) is significant to Boise as a whole because Boise is a very rapidly growing area and is full of new buildings. The BCC went for the larger look because it believes in the growth of the west.
The BCC was built because of the rapid population growth in the western states. It has a modern feel to it. Its size is very important to the community because with the rapidly growing community, the church needs to expand to be able to hold more people. It has a Kids Zone in the front to show that they care about kids. It has large hallways for a large capacitance. It has small, medium, and large rooms for meetings for different groups. It has a high tech sound system. And even a large kitchen to supply for the large families that attend. The BCC need to utilize this space because of the Eagles rapid growing population, The BCC building also creates the family place, similar to the YMCA. It has these large play pens and accessories to entice the people of Boise to go there. It is involved with the neighborhood because it strengthens the relationships of the family (with the help of the national style architecture).