“The Cabin” is a log structure sited in 1939 at the junction of the Boise River, the old 1864 McClelland Ferry landing, and the 1931 Capitol Boulevard Bridge. Its construction was completed in 1940 by employees of the Federal Civilian Conservation Corps, working under the direction of Finnish artisans skilled in log construction. Interior rooms are finished in a variety of Idaho softwoods donated by seven Idaho timber and wood products companies to highlight the importance of forestry in this state. This building served as the home of the Idaho State Forester for nearly 50 years and was where many generations of Boise schoolchildren first learned about the importance of trees and forestry in a city that bills itself as the “City of Trees”. The structure is currently owned by the City of Boise and leased at nominal rent to a local writers organization. In 2018, the structure was slated by the City of Boise to be relocated off of its historic site, moved, and the site converted to an outdoor patio to serve a proposed new civic events center and library. As of 2020, the future of “The Cabin” is uncertain.
Property Type: Institutional